last week I got a message on Facebook from my friend Orit. She wanted to discuss her next vacation.
Iโ€™m always thrilled to talk to her. Her creative energy is contagious – after chatting with Orit my mind is always full of surprising ideas. And conversations with her are also full of humor.
Orit has this thing – she collects jokes and funny ideas which she incorporates into the songs she writes and composes. Orit performs in living rooms of people who invite her to a friendsโ€™ gathering or private parties. Her show presents everyday situations, often very irritating ones, in a humorous way. ๐Ÿ™‚
I admire her for the courage to do what she loves with all the difficulty of earning a living from art and despite the outside pressure to get a โ€œreal jobโ€.
โ€œOrit, Iโ€™m so happy you finally decided to go on vacation, otherwise I wouldnโ€™t have a chance to see you in the near decade without a mic and a piano. How are things going?"
โ€œI need a break…" she said, "I feel like going to London next month. I thought to pamper myself with a birthday trip. And there are also places there to do with my music.โ€
โ€œGreat, letโ€™s see the tickets to London…โ€ I thought Orit wanted me to help her find a cheap flight, and went ahead and opened my laptop.
โ€œNo, wait. The flight is not the issueโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve been following the market for a few months, just as you suggest on your blog. I found a flight for a great price, but didnโ€™t book it. My problem is time. You know, for the past year the shows have really taken off and I still work in that part time job. Iโ€™m scared of going away for a week, I canโ€™t find any timeโ€ฆ I thought Iโ€™d talk to you, cause you probably have a solution for me.โ€
โ€œAwesome! I have a simple trick for making time for travel. Open your calendar.โ€
Orit gave me a doubtful look and opened her calendar. July was full of meetings and things to do.
โ€œNow mark the week you want to travel on. Write all over it – London Vacation. Congratulations! You are going to celebrate your birthday in London.โ€ ๐Ÿ™‚
โ€œYou canโ€™t be serious, what about all the meetings and tasks??โ€ She looked at me astonished.

โ€œMove all of your meetings. And to make sure the trip works out, and no excuse will stop you from going, we will buy tickets now!โ€
We did a quick price comparison and found a good deal to London.

And then got a nice inexpensive hotel.

โ€œZoe, hold on a sec! Why donโ€™t I first clear the week and then we buy everything?โ€, Orit suggested when we started booking.
โ€œIf thatโ€™s your choice, Iโ€™m with youโ€. I exited the site. โ€œWhen I find myself a flight I simply book it. From my experience, when you first try to make time, the trip never works out.Thereโ€™s always a better reason to stay at home, and thereโ€™s always work to do. Going on vacation is never as important or necessary. It always seems easier and more reasonable to postpone the trip. Once I too didnโ€™t have time to travel… And it took me 7 years to clear 5 days for my first trip. One day I just changed the order – I first booked the deal to Prague and then made time for it. And I was surprised how easy it was, much easier than I expected.
By the way, you started your performances by the same illogical way and you succeeded against all odds! I think you should buy the tickets now.โ€

Without a word Orit took out her credit card. โ€œCome on, open the laptop!โ€ ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy your trip!
Waiting to hear stories from London and new songs.
Here's to the greatest masterpiece of all – our Life.

do what you love

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ื‘ื˜ื— ื™ืขื ื™ื™ืŸ ืื•ืชืš ื’ื:

4 Ways to Get Free Accommodation While Traveling
3 Ways to Make Money for Your Next Trip


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